I AM disappointed at the amount of drive-offs after what some people regard as minor bumps in car parks.

I suffered one of these myself in the car park of Darlington Memorial Hospital on the day my daughter was admitted to Ward 21 The security officers confirmed how common this is.

When drivers know how expensive it is to run a car they are still willing to leave others to foot the bill.

My incident was caught on camera and I still have hopes of getting a registration number. I would also hope the driver of the silver estate is honest enough to come forward. He does know about the damage – he got out to look.

Steve Turnbull, Darlington.

■ A version of this letter appeared in HAS last Wednesday after being mistakingly linked at the editing stage to a previous letter about a car park drive-off incident in Darlington involving a silver-coloured vehicle. We are happy to print the correct version of the letter and apologise to Mr Turnbull.