I WOULD like to publicly thank all the staff on the sixth-floor maternity ward 61 and the labour ward at Darlington Memorial Hospital.

Due to a significant medical condition, I unusually became a long-term resident in antenatal ward 1 for 16 weeks in the period January to May.

During this time I was cared for by more than 60 named individuals who I came to know personally, including cleaners, kitchen hostesses, office support staff, auxiliaries, midwives, doctors and consultants who all showed consistent professionalism and compassion in the delivery of their duties.

The midwifery team in particular was exemplary in the considerate and consistent level of care provided to me, as well as endeavouring to make the environment less intimidating and more welcoming.

I know I could not do their job, but I am very grateful that there are those who choose it as a career as I and my daughter would not be here without them.

In particular, I would like to cite Kerry Willsmore for her highly professional compassionate care and efficient administration. She and all the staff are a credit to County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.

Nicola Birchall, Darlington.