YOU published a letter from me last Friday asking people to contact their MPs to urge them to vote against part-privatisation of Royal Mail (HAS, June 26).

On Saturday, I opened the paper to read about the huge bonuses being handed out to Network Rail bosses (Echo June 27). Case in point, I thought.

The aforementioned was once British Rail and was sold off to the private sector at a reduced rate as it was deemed to be a) inefficient, b) would cost the taxpayer too much money. Private ownership was to solve all that.

Well, judge for yourselves: is this true? A lot of taxpayers’ money is poured into the privatised rail system and it would seem poured out to the shareholders and the bosses. Is it efficient? Does it cost the taxpayer too much money? Or has privatisation given us what was promised.

Stella Pope, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.