RECENTLY, I listened to Labour MPs and councillors debating why the party lost the people’s vote.

“It was identity cards, Trident, school fees, etc” and they asked how they could connect with people in a more gainful way.

Not one mentioned the real reason – the greedy “honourable members” who’ve milked the system for the past decade and are now held in absolute contempt by those who struggle on a day-to-day basis and still support local and national charities. This is the main reason for their demise.

They still haven’t got that message and hope we’ll all forget and they can “Carry on Jack”.

Has the fees office closed, or is it still in business for our “honourable members”?

The only way they’ll “connect”

will be when this rotten Parliament cleans out its own stable to the people’s satisfaction.

R Harbron, Norton, Stockton.