I REFER to the proposed siting of ten 121-metre wind turbines close to Great Stainton, near Darlington.

Wind power is one source of clean energy yet this project for ten turbines, along with a further two planned developments for 21 turbines, will ruin the environment.

In response to the proposal, views of local people have been sought – 97 per cent opposed the development.

Durham County Council will soon consider the planning application and we urge the authority to remember its stated Regional Energy Strategy: County Durham is well placed to benefit from the development of renewable energy as clean and cost-effective source of power.

However, the exploitation of these “environmentally-friendly”

resources must be balanced with careful attention to the physical and social environments.

I must point out that County Durham has already delivered its 2010 target for renewable energy generation, following the construction of a wind farm near Tow Law, which is expected to be operational by next month.

Why does this beautiful county, once despoiled by coal mines, need to be littered with monstrous machines?

County Durham is in danger of overdevelopment by power companies and these land-based turbines will turn our rural landscape into the biggest scrapyard in England.

Susan Nobbs, Great Stainton, near Darlington.