CYCLISTS like Aled Jones (HAS, May 27) have a better appreciation of the state of our Third World roads than most as we don’t have fat tyres and sophisticated suspension to absorb the shocks.

However, there is a possibility of redress for injury or damage to cycle, clothing, etc. For a start, there are a number of no win, no fee firms such as Cycle Aid and Bikelive, the details of which can be had from the internet.

Better still, join the CTC (Cyclists Touring Club), a national organisation which looks after cyclists’ interests, provides third party insurance and looks after cyclists’ accident claims.

Bad potholes and accidents should be reported to the local authority, which will usually respond positively, especially if it senses the possibility of legal action. Photographs of the hole should be taken to support your case. You can also report the pothole or other road defects on line on Don’t just ride around it: report it.

Bryan Chambers, Belmont, Durham.