CHRIS Davies, Head of Admissions, Investigative Research (Hair), listed a number of projects which his group proposed to undertake (HAS, June 1).

With regard to that list I know why the British drive on the left as opposed to the rest of Europe, where they drive on the right.

At one time, all of Europe’s nobility drove their coaches on the left (if the peasants didn’t get out of the way they mowed them down).

However, when the French peasants defeated their aristocracy just to show the world they would be different they decided to drive on the right.

Everyone else ignored them – until Napoleon went on the rampage. In every area he conquered he decreed that the peasants must drive on the right – so there you have it.

I have saved Mr Davies’ organisation a great deal of money in researching this issue.

I do not ask for financial reward.

Just put my name on the research documents – and do let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Stella Pope, Framwellgate Moor, Durham.