COULD I point out to Christopher Wardell (HAS, May 21) that at the bottom of the Hear All Sides page is the question: Do you agree or disagree with any of the views expressed today?

I have absolutely nothing against his views as such. My letter (HAS, May 19) was to disagree with M Stainsby (HAS, May 16), who stated that Mr Wardell had a “brilliant sense of humour”.

In his latest letter, Mr Wardell refers to “swaying daffodils” and “tea mugs” – further examples, I assume, of his brilliance. Keep it up, Mr Wardell.

My opinion has not changed, however, and, as a source of real humour – in addition to cartoonist Cluff and columnist Mike Amos – might I add the Horace and Doris cartoon and columnist Sharon Griffiths.

Bill Callen, Richmond, North Yorkshire.