AJ Cummings is correct (HAS, May 18) that I did vote against the Freedom of Information Act applying to MPs.

However, if he read my contributions to the Freedom of Information (Amendment) Act debate he would know this was because I did not want correspondence on behalf of my constituents, in cases such as miners’ compensation, being accessed by a third party.

In my campaign for justice for ex-miners, who had been deprived of rightful compensation by lawyers, at least one firm tried to access my correspondence with the Law Society on behalf of constituents. It is vital that I can represent constituents without fear that the correspondence can be released to a third party.

I note Mr Cummings is a member of the Durham Miners’ Association executive. In the spirit of openness, I wonder if he will explain why the association – which is a claims handling company – was formed without consultation with so many of my constituents who had paid their membership to the Durham NUM for many years?

Given that the association no longer has to publish accounts, will he set out what has happened to the substantial assets of the Durham NUM, as well as the salaries and benefits still being paid to its well remunerated officials.

Kevan Jones, Labour MP, North Durham.