EVERY day the papers cover issues that many of us have analysed many times over the years and presented the evidence of that to a variety of people.

Few seek to understand the situations and those who do simply feel frustrated by the lack of regard for people in general.

The prescriptive education system imposed on the teaching profession by all governments over the years fails to enable people to feel ownership of their lives.

Across all kinds of organisations, management prescribes and, because people have been used to doing as they are told, the workforce does as it is told.

A politician said that there has to be a testing system that enables parents to know what level their children are at so they can judge schools, even though the testing does not reflect the all-round abilities of children or involve them deeply in their own learning.

The reward for student-centred learning is that students feel they have been treated as people and not just pawns in systems.

There are many examples of senior management who don’t know all the little details, yet insist on obedience, causing systems to fail as they have done in the financial world.

Bill Morehead, Darlington.