PLEASE, could David Lacey (HAS, April 29) justify his comments that our Government has destroyed our economy, education, law and order systems and Armed Forces, etc.

Certainly, on education the Labour Government has done much to reverse the adversity left by the Conservative government before it. Mr Lacey is amused at how some people can have the gall to stand up for the current Government – well, I do.

The recession will be painful, as I myself might find out one day, but no government could have averted that.

Last week, I watched a programme on emigration to Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Well, if the Conservatives do get back into power, then I will seriously consider taking it up.

I, an ordinary man in the street, was nearly financially ruined for life by what Margaret Thatcher’s government did to the economy, and I would do anything not to go through that again.

Jeremy Whiting, Great Lumley, Chester-le-Street, Co Durham.