I WONDER exactly which energy sources Eric Gendle (HAS, April 23) expects will power our civilisation if we cannot use fossil fuels (for fear of climate change) or nuclear energy?

Wind power and solar power are both so unreliable as to amount to little more than scams run for the gas industry’s benefit (as gas, unlike coal or nuclear, can throttle up quickly if the wind stops blowing or the sun stops shining). Remember that gas is still a fossil fuel (and one whose supply is increasingly dominated by Russia).

Some of our large-scale usages of energy are non-negotiable – like the Haber-Bosch process for fertiliser production (without which our planet could only support a third of its present human population).

However, GM crops (which Mr Gendle also decries) could reduce this fertiliser requirement. Indeed, they ended the menace of famine in Malawi, even producing enough to feed neighbouring African countries.

Opponents of nuclear energy and GM crops are enemies of humanity, like the well-heeled membership of the Club of Rome which, in Goals for Mankind, advocated a global population of “more than 500 million but less than one billion”.

George Carty, Wheatley Hill, Durham.