FEW things get me more hot under the collar than the shabby treatment by our dear leaders of the Gurkha section of our Armed Forces.

The Government is still imposing restrictions on Gurkhas coming here to live (Echo, April 25).

Why is it that these men and their families are being denied entry after having served with such distinction while we allow in any Tom, Dick and Harry from Europe, some of whom are criminals?

We are told by the Government it would cost more than £1bn to let them all in. So, what is a mere billion between friends when our illustrious Government has made such a dreadful mess of our finances?

I agree with actress and Gurkhas’ campaigner Joanna Lumley when she says she feels so ashamed of the Government over its decision. I would only add that the sooner the British people get the chance to run this lot out of town the better.

Peter Hill, School Aycliffe, Co Durham.

AFTER years of loyal, brave and devoted service to this country, the Gurkhas are presented with a massive slap in the face. This cowardly blow has been inflicted by a Government which has no respect for these people.

None of the current Government has worn a uniform or carried out any form of service, other than, of course, self-service, for this country and Immigration Minister Phil Woolas’ attempt to defend the criteria for settlement he has set is nothing short of treachery.

This Government has allowed preachers of hate, criminals and economic migrants the right of abode, yet when it comes to people who offer everything for us, this spineless Government closes the door.

Think again, Labour. Your treatment of the Gurkhas is scandalous.

Colin T Mortimer, Pity Me, Durham.

THEY say the Gurkhas are “the bravest of the brave and the truest of the true” – and they are.

They have stood by Britain, fought and died for our freedom, and now we treat them by saying if they have not served 20 years they cannot stay in this country.

The Government should be so ashamed and we, as a country, should stand together with the Gurkhas and not let it get away with shoddy treatment of brave men.

Jeannie Reid, Newton Aycliffe, Co Durham.