A BIG thank you to all who have, and might still yet, reply in my favour to my letters about music blight (HAS, April 10 and 16).

It is so nice to know that I am not the only person who finds this trend an absolute invasion of personal space.

Light, quiet music being played very softly in the background, so that you hardly notice it, is not a problem. It’s loud, banging pop noise that is inflicted on you, which ruins many an outing.

Hopefully, if everybody who objected to this complained to the managers of these places, then they might take notice and do something about it. Thanks again.

As for Christopher Wardell on this subject (HAS, April 14 and 18), I didn’t read of anyone backing him up. I’ll say no more.

Catherine Davison, Darlington.

CHRISTOPHER Wardell and his ilk must be very lonely people if they can’t live without loud music blasting our around them all day.

Why don’t they use one of those radios they can plug into their ears? The rest of us can then go about our lives in peace and quiet.

Mrs M Elliott, Ingleton, near Darlington.