FORMER Prime Minister Harold Wilson once said “a week is a long time in politics”.

Well, perhaps a fortnight is even longer.

As recently as April 5, Gordon Brown stated that he was more concerned with the economy and terrorism, preferring to keep his distance from the controversy of MPs’ expenses.

Fast forward to April 21, and Commons Leader Harriet Harman announces sweeping changes to the current system to take effect by July 1.

Her statement informed the House: “There will now be no second home allowance or claims for food, furniture and fittings, fuel, mortgage interest, rent or council tax.”

Letters to The Northern Echo have expressed their disgust on this subject and I myself called for Mr Brown to put an immediate stop to the many disreputable practices within this wretched system. To have waited eight months for a report from Sir Christopher Kelly and for the gravy train to rumble on would have been disgraceful.

It’s a pity that it’s taken a barrage of public opinion and media exposure to get this far, but at least it’s a start in rectifying this shameful episode of British Parliamentary history.

Ian Sadler, Darlington.