I REFER to Joyce Ophield’s letter (HAS, April 20) regarding Miss Janet Hogarth’s pension collection problem (Echo, April 7) caused by the closure of Rookhope post office.

What the writer does not recognise is the personal circumstances of Miss Hogarth, which has entailed hard work all of her life, looking after others, while being disabled.

Also, Rookhope has no bank.

The bank is also six miles away; public transport is minimal; a bus arriving at 11.30am and returning at 1pm. I know as I live there.

There are people who are not easy adaptable to computer literacy and debit cards. Again, this can be caused by disabilities.

So, please, think of those who are less fortunate than yourself, as some of them live in Rookhope.

Councillor John Shuttleworth, Durham County Council.