THERE is something distinctly distasteful about the non-stop vitriol heaped on Gordon Brown.

Who else would have managed the G20 summit to its successful conclusions?

Surely David Cameron would have been completely out of his depth.

As in 1997, when the Tory government had run its course, perhaps this Labour government will lose the next election. I say “perhaps” because a year is a long time in politics.

I believe Mr Brown to be an honest, sincere politician who has not been very lucky.

Facing a total breakdown of the financial sector he did what had to be done and rescued the banks – the bedrock of any capitalist system.

I note that Mr Cameron is to hold a free vote, if the Tories are elected to government, on the “hunting with dogs” law, obviously hoping to repeal this law which goes some way to protecting wildlife.

Don’t forget the Tories want to bring back hare coursing and stag hunting. This issue alone convinces me that the leopard does not change its spots.

Despite this Government’s lacklustre performance, surely a party that favours seeing wild creatures being torn to pieces for the pleasure of its sick supporters does not deserve the support of what we claim to be a civilised society.

Hugh Pender, Darlington.

THE old system of Government and Opposition has had its day.

More and more MPs and Lords are behaving within the selfish, untrustworthy standards they have created for themselves – not those their voters expect of them and with which to bring up their children.

The party leaders have allowed this to happen. Their loyalty is to themselves and those sharing these standards. The system does not work for us. We get what they feel obliged to give us.

Other nations who compete with us are our opposition. We should get on with our own government business as a national team, and work for the good of us all, not the opposing little special interest groups.

Party loyalty has allowed the slide into our present predicament unopposed. The voters, and two generations of their descendants, are suffering for it while those responsible get off scot-free to enjoy the spoils.

Time for a change.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.