AFTER reading David Lowdon’s response (HAS, April 21) to my letter (HAS, April 18), am I to assume he does not agree with the tactics employed by the police when controlling unruly crowds?

What would he suggest they do – face a hostile mob with a loudspeaker or microphone and try to serenade the screaming gathering into obeying the practice of peaceful demonstrations?

There is no doubt in my mind these protest meetings are infiltrated by professional troublemakers determined to incite the easily-led protestors to vent their frustrations on whoever might be there to control them, whether it be the police or anybody else.

It was unfortunate that a man died at London’s G20 protest.

While there are still questions surrounding the cause of death, boy, aren’t the “I hate the police group” making a song and dance about it.

I repeat what I said earlier, that if these gatherings behaved peacefully, there would be no need for the police to react to confrontation and throwing of missiles.

As for comparing the British bobby to police in a fascist regime, it is unjust and totally unwarranted. I, for one, am eternally grateful that if I find myself in an awkward situation a policeman is only a phone call away.

Ralph Hughes, Shotton Colliery, Durham.