THE other day, taking a friend’s dog out for the first time, I had a humorous experience almost worthy of regular correspondent Christopher Wardell.

We were going up a farm track when a big van came hurtling round a bend. Pip, who is nervous, panicked and I picked him up to cuddle him. Small dogs, especially when frightened, usually love you to do that. But not – as I didn’t know then – Pip.

On being picked up, he lost it completely and had an attack of diarrhoea all over me. It was on my shirt, my arms, my hands and my trousers. For a change, instead of talking the proverbial, I was covered in it.

On getting back, after a wash, etc, I made for the Co-op to put the Lottery on. Funnily though, my numbers didn’t come up. So maybe I’ll try again and take Pip for another walk.

Tony Kelly, Crook, Co Durham.