DID anyone watch Chris Barrie’s Massive Speed TV programme on Monday night on Five? It showed the future for rail travel with maglev (magnetic levitation) trains – a British invention 30 years ago, ignored by our leaders as normal, but taken up by the Japanese and then the Germans.

When will the Government and this region’s representatives in London and Brussels develop and call for a proper transport policy for the future involving maglev trains, electric-powered cars, and sensible air transport linked in this country by maglev trains?

Our leaders in the North-East should call for a new rail link using maglev to connect Durham Tees Valley Airport with the capital with a one-hour journey time possible. But will they dare to annoy London in this way?

We need to be connected to the global and European transport infrastructure if we hope to revive the region and bring jobs back to the region.

Can we afford it? Truly, we can’t not afford it if we want to bring this region back to life.

David Preston, Darlington