MPs will vote themselves an extra £1,500-a-year increase as the rest of the country fights to save precious jobs and their homes. The Westminster village increase brings parliamentary pay, before a penny in allowances is claimed, up from £63,290 to about £ 64,800.

Humiliated Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is facing demands to resign after her husband admitted paying to watch adult films using his wife’s taxpayer-funded expenses.

Middlesbrough MP Sir Stuart Bell claimed £22,934 last year for staying away from his main home and £77,127 for staffing costs.

MPs need accommodation in London when they are required to stay in the capital overnight.

This could be achieved by the Government providing MPs with apartments in central London when required, instead of the taxpayers funding very expensive second homes which then become the property of MPs at the taxpayers’ expense.

I welcome the review of MPs’ salaries and expenses. It should also include councillors’ allowances and expenses that often do not give council tax payers good value for money.

Councillor Ken Walker, Independent, Middlesbrough Council.