IS it just me? Over the years I have read reports citing examples of how the North-East is starved of cash for major projects (infrastructure, work investment, etc).

There have even been rumours that regional quangos have been sitting on money (surely not).

I believe the reason is very simple.

The North-East is regarded by politicians of the major parties as bought-and-paid-for Labour territory. Governments spend taxpayers’ money on marginal areas, frankly to buy votes, so they don’t spend it here.

Make the North-East constituencies marginal by tactical voting in any combination you wish, and I predict that the loot will flow.

Now, before any of the usual HAS suspects start banging on about what a wonderful/rubbish job our politicians do, I must declare an interest. I belong to the “plague on all the money-grabbing Honourable Members” contingent.

Bob Sewell, Wolsingham, Co Durham.