LOIS V Ackerley (HAS, April 18) and Colin Jones (HAS, April 16) summed up this generation’s attitude and total lack of respect for our precious and beautiful environment.

To support their observations, every day, while walking my dogs, I witness an endless trail of litter usually consisting of empty beer cans, bottles, crisp packets, etc, wantonly discarded in our local (Spennymoor) woods. It is an absolute disgrace.

I find myself (both in my capacity as a member of the public and committee member of the local residents’ association) constantly clearing up after careless and selfish youngsters.

For a few hours of entertainment they are happy to leave a “footprint” that will take many hundreds of years to biodegrade. I also cannot help but wonder why young offenders’ institutions are packed with criminals busy watching DVDs on their widescreen TVs and playing computer games while languishing at our expense.

Surely, in terms of repaying their debt to society, they would be put to better use clearing up such litter, under close supervision of course. I am sure both your previous correspondents would agree.

Adam Walker, Spennymoor, Co Durham.