TORY leader David Cameron has opted to do nothing to help our economy through these difficult times and would simply let families sink or swim.

From the moment the credit crunch hit Britain, when facing tough choices on the economy, his judgement has been wrong. Mr Cameron:

● opposed action to protect Northern Rock and stop the danger from spreading through the banking system;

● opposed an urgent boost to the economy despite the rest of the world boosting their economies, too;

● opposed Labour’s cut in VAT, which will save households an average of £275 from their bills;

● opposed Labour’s £145 tax cut for 22 million basic rate taxpayers;

● opposed Labour’s support to help pensioners over the winter months with an extra £60 bonus.

Unlike the Conservatives, Labour refuses to abandon people in these tough times. Mr Cameron would do nothing but talk Britain down.

Giles Harris, Stockton.