THE debate regarding climate change continues to baffle me.

David Ellis (HAS, April 14) rightly says that climate change is always occurring, but fails to point out that it is occurring at a faster rate than at any time within the last million years.

He then states that global warming has stopped and that the earth has been cooling since 1998. I have looked extensively on the internet and can find no information to back up this claim.

He also states that increasing CO2 levels will cause a decrease in global temperatures, contrary to all that has been written over the past 150 years when the Swedish chemist Arrhenius said that increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere would cause increased temperatures.

Has not Mr Ellis seen the vast amounts of published data and graphs showing the rise in CO2 levels and temperature increases moving in the same directions and noted that CO2 levels are rising at a greater rate than at any time in the last million years?

Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough