I AM growing increasingly concerned about Sedgefield Borough Homes, the independent organisation to which the former borough council’s housing stock was transferred.

Already, residents are aware of their well above inflation rent increases, but last Tuesday I was made aware that one of our residents living in a bungalow in Clarence Chair, Newton Aycliffe, had a problem.

One of her two washing line poles, which are cemented into the ground in her back garden, became very unstable and was on the verge of collapse. Being 75 years old, she contacted the new housing body with the aim of them repairing it – at which point she was informed it was not their responsibility and she should do it herself.

Is this what it boils down to in the future? Pay us your money and fix things yourself.

If this is, indeed, the case, then I should imagine there are one or two people who should look at their conscience. If anyone else has a problem with this housing body, please do not hesitate to contact me with the details, either at the address below, or on 01325-308057.

Councillor Bill Blenkinsopp, 27 St Andrew’s Close, Aycliffe Village, Co Durham, DL5 6NA.