AS St George’s Day – Thursday – fast approaches, it’s nice to see so many events being lined up across the country, as it continues its renaissance.

Given how the Irish throw their full support behind the Englishman St Patrick and have a ball, it would be tremendous to see as big a celebration here in favour of our brave crusader.

How nice it would be for the day to be made a national holiday for the English.

However, as I am a British Unionist I would like to make the argument for a British Day, whereby a day of prominence within the calendar is allocated a new national holiday.

This date would allow the whole UK to get behind our proud Christian/pagan heritage, and celebrate one of our great military victories, great writers, scientists or explorers.

Bearing in mind how much this nation has given to the world, it is only right that, for one day, we can bask in the great achievements of the Brits.

Come on, Gordon Brown, give us the extra bank holiday you have been considering for most of your unelected Prime Minister’s tenure.

Can any HAS readers suggest the most appropriate date and event for a British Day?

Mark Anderson, Middleton St George, near Darlington