SO that children can become fully-rounded individuals they need to learn discipline and morals.

But despite public opposition, and basic common sense, many teachers supported the removal of corporal punishment from schools.

The pursuit of a politically correct agenda has meant schools teach sex education, but with no mention of relationships or the responsibilities involved in having a child.

Religion, which provides a basis for morals, history and other forms of culture which give a common sense of identity and belonging, have been debased and even removed from the school curriculum.

This has helped to create school leavers without discipline, respect, morals or any sense of right and wrong who, in turn, become the parents of children who are being violent towards their teachers.

Violence towards teachers (Echo, April 11) is wrong, but how much of the blame rests with the past and present actions, policies and political agendas of the teachers and the teaching unions?

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.