RECENTLY, my 69-year-old parents parked in the disabled bays opposite Argos in North Road, Durham, understanding they had three hours’ parking time – like everywhere else.

My mother, who is a wheelchair user and has macular degenerative disease, has a disabled badge.

They went and did what they had to do, but returned to find they had a parking ticket for being 15 minutes over the hour.

My mother went to the office in North Road and questioned the three-hour time limit, only to be told that there was a waiting time sign on the wall at Blockbusters.

This sign is not mounted on a pole, but fixed to the wall and not very visible or “disabled friendly” – more so for someone like my mum with macular degenerative disease, which mars your vision.

I disputed the parking ticket only to be told that NCP was not budging on the fine. Durham is one of the worst places for disabled people.

Later, I read about a woman who had her speeding fine and points written off after passing a speed camera twice at 38mph in a 30mph limit.

Where is the justice in fining disabled pensioners for being 15 minutes late and letting a driver off for speeding, which could have killed someone?

Sonya Tutt, Ushaw Moor, Co Durham.