I FULLY agree with the sentiments of Doreen Turner (HAS, April 16) when she states that the forces employed to uphold the law are too often blamed for their actions.

Let’s not forget that it is the authorities who often request the presence of the police to control the behaviour of the masses who gather at rallies and protest meetings.

And let’s not forget, either, that there certain factions who just wait for these mass meetings as an opportunity to make their own beliefs heard and sometimes just for the sole purpose of making trouble. It is they who should be sorted out and punished.

The police are trained to deal with troublemakers. Let them get on with it. If these rallies were held peacefully then I am sure there would be no trouble.

It is the agents who are placed in the crowds for the purpose of making trouble who are the instigators and, of course, the stupid human rights laws don’t help.

Ralph Hughes, Shotton Colliery, Durham.