YOUR report on the climate change conference in Middlesbrough – “Mayor defends housing project” (Echo, March 14) – claims I said that leading environmentalist Jonathon Porritt agreed with the council’s plans to build houses on the Longridge/Site 44 area in south Middlesbrough.

I must point out that I have never said that Mr Porritt supported the council’s proposals. The matter has never arisen in our discussions.

Mr Porritt has given the council a lot of interesting and thought-provoking advice on green issues and I value his input. I would not discuss or ask him to get involved in what is a purely local planning matter – my reference to Mr Porritt was in general environmental terms.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to clear this matter up.

Ray Mallon, Mayor of Middlesbrough.

■ Footnote: What Mr Mallon said was: “And I’ve spoken to people like Jonathon Porritt, from Forum For The Future, who would say yes, you would have to build on some of these green spaces. And this has been there on the stocks of the council for 25 years – the people in the locality have known that and, frankly, I really do question the environmental credentials of some of the demonstrators where this particular site is concerned…”