THE news that unemployment in Wear Valley has doubled and that there has been a 109 per cent increase in the amount of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance (Echo, April 14) means advice and support for the community are more important than ever.

I would like to remind your readers that help is available through Community Legal Advice, a free, confidential and independent legal advice service for residents of England and Wales.

Just call 0845 345 4 345 or visit

uk If you live on a low income, or benefits, we can give you advice over the phone for debt, welfare benefits and tax credits, housing, education and employment problems.

Last year, Community Legal Advice helped more than 300,000 people. At a time when Wear Valley has been hit so hard by the recession, it’s vital that people get the help and support they need.

Deborah Challis, Contracts Manager, Legal Services Commission, Jarrow, South Tyneside.