I FULLY concur with Des More’s assessment of the forthcoming European Parliament poll (HAS, April 14). He succinctly highlights how the Labour Government has let down the white working classes and then expects its traditional vote, at the forthcoming Euro elections and, no doubt, General Election, to back it.

This is highlighted by Labour Minister Harriet Harman pushing through the so-called Equalities Bill, which made it legal, in the event of a tie for a job, to discriminate against indigenous males, in favour of minorities, to enhance quotas within the workforce.

A political party cannot pride itself on fairness and equality while pushing through such vile and bigoted policies.

As for the Euro poll, Mr More was, sadly, also correct when identifying the decline in the United Kingdom Independence Party (Ukip). This is distressing for all of us who wish for the UK to withdraw from this dictatorial organisation.

With the prospect of so many of Ukip’s former voters up for grabs, as Mr More further says, it will be the Conservatives and the BNP which will no doubt massively benefit in seats to be gained. It should be interesting on election night on June 4.

Mark Anderson, Middleton St George, near Darlington.