EASTER Monday was a lovely sunny holiday, but my outlook was blighted by mindless idiots who think that littering our town of Spennymoor is a cool thing.

At 8am, I drove past the Kingfisher car park and noticed it littered with takeaway food and drinks containers as this is a regular late night meeting place for young people to hang out and chat over a snack and then throw their rubbish from the car.

In the afternoon, I took my nephew to the McDonalds at Thinford. While I waited in the car I watched a car full of young lads eating their food. After a while, as they knew I was watching them and as if to goad me, they purposefully opened the windows and slowly dropped all their rubbish onto the car park.

I really was fuming and quite saddened to think that this is what the young people of today think is a “cool” thing to do.

By the looks I was getting I wouldn’t have dared challenge them as despite being in my 40s, and with what happens in our country today to people who care, I was frightened.

Colin Jones, Spennymoor, Co Durham.