GEOFFREY Bulmer (HAS, April 11) stated that “Gordon Brown is a man of undeniable intellectual brilliance”, the latest of many similar comments from a variety of sources that I’ve read in the past dozen years or so.

I wonder, is it a mark of brilliance to transform one of the best-performing economies in Europe into a basket case?

How about bankrupting one of the world’s best-funded pension schemes?

How about throwing huge sums of our money at the NHS, thus creating the third largest employer in the world (only China’s army and India’s railways employ more) and an organisation in which hundreds of people die unnecessarily?

How about borrowing so much money to fund unaffordable public spending and prop-up failing banks that our children’s children will be faced with trying to pay off that huge debt?

The above are merely a few of the “brilliant” things that Mr Brown’s intelligence has brought about since 1997.

Just think what a mess he would have made if he hadn’t been a man of “undeniable intellectual brilliance”.

Derek Thornton, Stanley Crook, Co Durham.