I HAVE recently sent an email to Councillor Simon Henig, leader of Durham County Council, asking him to explain the reasons for awarding the new Durham City park-and-ride contract to Arriva, and why it is not being renewed with Scarlet Band, which has operated the service for the past five years and which has made a very good job of it.

Where is the sense in paying £24,000 more per year to Arriva for the same routes? I can’t understand it, so I have asked Coun Henig to make his reasons public. Somehow, I do not think that he will.

I would suggest that anyone who agrees that he should make his reasons for this decision public should contact him at simon.henig@durham.gov.uk.

James Middleton, Wolsingham, Co Durham.

SORRY, folks, it’s me again. I have just had a thought: if Durham County Council has £24,000 to spare, why not give it to Scarlet Band to share among its drivers for a job well done?

To recover the money, if need be, fine Arriva every time one of its services lets passengers down. The council would very quickly recover it, I’m sure – especially after some of the stories I have been told since my previous letter on this subject (HAS, April 8).

Ah, well, it was just a thought.

Eva Stainsby, Ferryhill, Co Durham.