LABOUR deputy leader Harriet Harman is sounding the alarm before forthcoming polls for the European Parliament by warning that Labour will face a “challenge” and is preparing to blame the recession and an anti-government protest vote.

She is deluded in her belief that sending in an “anti-BNP battle bus”, under the slogan “Fairness not Fear”, will be sufficient to counter the fact that the BNP is almost certain to win at least two or three seats.

The truth is that Labour will pay the price for neglecting the white, working class electorate.

It has little hope while it refuses to acknowledge the fact that it is the policies of this Government and its local councils – on immigration, employment and housing – that have left an increasing number of the electorate feeling they have nowhere else to go.

It is not about race; it is not strictly about immigration. It is about controlling the numbers coming in and about this Government’s insistence that British citizens should adapt and not the incomers.

With the collapse in support for the UK Independence Party since the last elections five years ago, it is fair to assume that support will now switch to the Tories and even the BNP.

Des More, Darlington.