KEITH Dewison claims that the concierge service staff based in high rise accommodation across the borough of Stockton are no more than glorified doormen (HAS, April 10).

Concierge officers’ duties are to patrol, observe and report. In actual fact, what we do is anything from furniture removals to minor repairs, which saves the council tens of thousands of pounds per year in call-out charges for tradesmen.

Tenants’ families can go on their holidays knowing their grans, granddads, mothers and fathers are safe in their homes.

We know most tenants by their first names and any illnesses they suffer, which is a great help to paramedics when any of them fall ill.

I cannot tell you the last time a car was stolen or vandalised in any of our car parks and antisocial behaviour is kept to a manageable minimum.

Most tenants who live in high-rise accommodation will tell you that the main reason they live in the flats is because we are on site and only an intercom away – 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day.

There is a lot more I could add to this. The list of things we do – and for which we do not get paid – is endless.

Frank Sedgwick, Norton, Stockton.