I ADMIRED Ray Mallon’s zero tolerance policy towards crime – we need much more of it. But is he guilty of zero tolerance towards the dissenters regarding so-called man-made climate change?

I am one, and so are many eminent scientists.

The Al Gore video, An Inconvenient Truth, which he referred to in his column (Echo, April 10), is riddled with inconsistencies and untruths.

Has Mr Mallon examined the counter-arguments? If not, I will happily send him another video, The Great Global Warming Hoax.

1. Climate change is occurring, as it has been since the earth was formed. Why does he think Greenland is so called? There is no evidence that current climate change is not natural.

2. Global warming – minor from 1940-98 – has stopped. The globe has been cooling since 1998, despite continuing rises in carbon dioxide, be it man-made or natural. Explain that, please.

3. There is no correlation that increased CO2 levels result in higher global temperatures. On the contrary, the reverse is true.

4. Given the above, it cannot be true that population control can do anything at all to effect climate change.

That is not to say that population control is not desirable. We do need to reduce our consumption of the earth’s limited resources.

David Ellis, New Milton, Hampshire, temporarily Darlington.