I SPENT half an hour on the internet trying to find a map that gives the boundaries of the different regions for the European Parliament elections in June. I found nothing. I did find a Government site with a picture of the Speaker of the House of Commons looking red in the face. This site purported to give the boundaries of wards, constituencies and European election regions. It showed the two former, but not the latter.

The big difference between the private and public sectors is that private sector organisations are keen to be found and to increase sales. Public sector organisations are much less keen to be found: its employees might then have to do something.

Type “porn” into a search engine and you’ll be left in do doubt that you’ve found what you’re looking for. Type in “European election boundaries” or similar and you’ll get mainly hot air.

Anyway, can some public sector functionary possibly let us know where we find the boundaries for the European elections, if it’s not too much trouble? I’d be ever so grateful.

Ralph Musgrave, Durham.