IT saddens me to see that some airlines have stopped some of their flights from my local airport. I have fond memories of “Teesside Airport” and I always try to fly from there instead of using other airports so that I can give it some business. I always encourage my fellow citizens of the Tees Valley to do the same.

When I flew back in to Darlington airspace last year and landed at “Teesside Airport”, the good lady and the kids came to meet me. Their plan was to have a meal in the restaurant and then jump on me outside Arrivals. I was shocked when they told me that they had to sit in the airport lounge because nothing was open.

This airport is a landmark for the people of Darlington and Teesside. I hope one day it regains its former glory and keeps its hard-working members of staff in work – at the moment the place is a ghost town.

Christopher Wardell, Darlington.