I AM a 20-year-old student who attends Leeds Metropolitan University. The youngest in my family, I don’t have anyone to buy alcohol for other than myself. If I was approached on the street I wouldn’t dream of buying anything for strangers.

I admit that I may look young, but when I’m home I find some local shops and supermarkets patronise me and others, presuming instantly that I’m buying for teens on the street.

Recently, a store close to my home refused me service, after I was very pleasant with the cashier, because I didn’t have a passport and only had a driving licence. A driving licence refused as acceptable ID. Something that is meant to be acceptable by law.

I write in the hope that shop workers will read this and think next time they serve someone that not everyone is going to give it to teenagers, so perhaps they don’t have to distrust everyone.

Katherine Hasselby, Darlington.