I LOOK at the way Gordon Brown reacts and am convinced that he suffers from a particular limitation. Yes, he and the Government will be judged on the state of the economy, how we get out of the recession, how many are unemployed and how many businesses fail or succeed.

He should be aware that if the measures he and the Chancellor are taking are going to work it will take time, and it will depend on what other people do.

He will not be able to do everything and he has done enough already, given that the analysis is right, to bolster the economy by fiscal measures and encouraging co-ordinated international action.

But he appears to be incapable of appreciating that we are also witnessing selfish behaviour from elected representatives and their misbehaviour cannot be kicked into the long grass where we fail to spot it.

Mr Brown is a man of undeniable intellectual brilliance, but I think he has a lot yet to learn about the real world of ordinary mortals.

Geoffrey Bulmer, Billingham.