I HAVE used the Durham City park-and-ride only three times and I cannot recall travelling with Arriva, but I believe the recent criticism from other HAS contributors of this company.

Throughout my working life I always found that when either an individual or a group of people ignore reasonable debate or fight like tigers trying to defend something that in the eyes of everyone else is indefensible, then there is an underlying reason.

I have read every letter of objection in HAS and would imagine that there are many more people dumbfounded by Durham County Council’s decision to spend an extra £24,000 per year on Arriva providing the park-and-ride service than the present operator, Scarlet Band.

This huge new council has started in a way we were not expecting when it is recalled that we were told massive savings would be made. What we have got is rises in council tax, rises in councillor allowances, introduction of charges for removing large household items and nursing homes on the agenda for closure.

One question I would ask is this: are the people who depend on the 52 Esh bus services provided by Scarlet Band likely to lose this service in the aftermath of the park-and-ride fiasco?

Robert Easter, Bearpark, Durham.

I AM pleased that so many people share my anger at the nonsensical decision by Durham County Council to award the Durham City park-and-ride contract to a more expensive, less popular provider.

I have assured the owner of the current provider, Scarlet Band, that I will be supporting his appeal against the decision and I would encourage your readers to do the same.

They should write to the council leader, Councillor Simon Henig, at Durham County Hall or email him at simon.henig@durham.gov.uk The public frustration at this senseless waste of money is clear from the weight of correspondence to this newspaper in the past fortnight.

If even more people express their frustration in a letter to Coun Henig then perhaps this Labour-controlled council will surprise everyone and actually listen to us.

Councillor Carol Woods, Liberal Democrat, Sherburn Division, Durham County Council.