THE idea of going on a diet conjures up images of food that lack flavour. Well, that’s one perception.

Diet might be about eating less and being selective about what we eat. It is to do with intake and, all importantly, a mind change. Changes in body size and shape can be difficult to see – therefore it is easy to give up on the idea, or become stressed.

For 12 weeks I have been part of a weight management programme at Coxhoe Medical Centre. With great advice and support, not only from Wendy, Julie and Barbara but those who have stayed the pace, the focus has been on balance.

Changing lifestyle is difficult to maintain. Being in a routine is something we might not necessarily enjoy, but it is something we have become accustomed to. It is so easy to do nothing in preference to a step outside.

As part of a group it is about feeling comfortable with change.

At no time have I felt hassled into eating endless amounts of lettuce and cottage cheese, although I have introduced a little more of these to my diet.

But as well as food, it is about a walk to the shops, perhaps venturing to the gym – but still having the occasional treat.

Bernie Walsh, Coxhoe, Durham.