AT Consett swimming pool on Monday and Thursday mornings, between 11am to noon, there is a session for the over-50s. Most swimmers are in their 60s, many in their 70s and some in their 80s.

On April 1, free swimming for the over-60s came into being under a Government-sponsored scheme, which Durham County Council has embraced.

When the over-60s tried to exercise this right on Monday, April 6, we were denied free entry, the reason being that this was not a “public” swim.

It doesn’t take much to realise that the over-60s go to these Monday and Thursday sessions because many cannot physically cope at other times with all the noise, splashing and power swimmers who show scant regard for anyone in their way.

Many over-60s have health problems and these sessions are of enormous benefit where they can swim in peace and safety.

Insisting that we pay shows a disregard of our rights and bureaucracy at its worst, using the loophole of it not being a “public” swim.

Durham County Council promised us better services for all under the new unitary authority. The over-60s can but wait and see if this applies to us.

Will the council honour this commitment by resolving this dreadful policy at Consett pool?

Val Hawkins, Langley Park, Durham.