PRIME Minister Gordon Brown’s reaction to another scandal involving one of his ministers and expenses is to pronounce that he is more concerned with the economy and terrorism (Echo, April 6).

Well, I’m sorry, that simply won’t wash. It’s taxpayers’ money. Even a cursory glance through the letter columns of newspapers such as The Northern Echo would surely demonstrate to him the strength of public feeling on this matter.

If there was ever a time for the country to be connected with its politicians it is now. Instead, this whole miserable story continues to distance the electorate from MPs.

Mr Brown should show some leadership on this matter and reflect public concern by suspending all future expenses claims except for essential running costs, such as housing and office/staff costs, until a complete review is carried out.

I’m sure that an MP can wait until the end of the year to see if his barbecue or patio heater qualifies for a refund.

Without some sort of moratorium on expense claims, I am pretty sure that the John Lewis catalogue will continue to be plundered by our honourable (joke) MPs, feathering their nests to the fullest and claiming right to the bitter end “it was in the rules”.

Ian Sadler, Darlington.

THE husband of Home Secretary Jacqui Smith being caught out claiming on her expenses for his private viewing, all at the taxpayer’s expense, is distasteful to say the least.

I hope they are embarrassed enough to know if they want to have anything of a private life they should at least act accordingly so that there are no comebacks when her expenses and those of others are made public. The truth will out.

As for their privileged position, running a second home for your job is a position most people who have to work away from home would love – all expenses paid.

Then, there are those who have never worked and claimed at the taxpayers’ expense who have two homes, one for him and one for her, nights out, cigarettes, holidays, shopping by taxi, not two, but three of everything, and at whose expense? Yes, you’ve guessed it – we the taxpayers.

Mrs M Bell, Tow Law, Co Durham.