RE James Wharton’s letter headed “Call an Election” (HAS, April 1).

I appreciate he’s young and inexperienced. When suggesting the Blair/Brown change should have meant a General Election, he forgets the Tories – Churchill to Eden to Macmillan to Douglas-Home, and the dumped Thatcher for Major, all with no election.

On the economy, he omits mentioning his party wanted to deregulate mortgages just two years ago, believing most in the immoral “leave it to the market” approach.

This Government brought in regulation for mortgages, insurance, equity release, extended the Consumer Credit Act and more – all opposed by the do-nothing Tories. Many of these city banking types are the Tories’ best backers.

I note that the Electoral Commission is currently investigating allegations that its guidelines were breached by a company owned by Lord Ashcroft channelling money from overseas to the Tories.

Mr Wharton’s lot gave us 15 per cent interest rates, ten per cent inflation, four million unemployed – all home grown, no global recession then.

I prefer would-be politicians who talk of jobs, kids, mortgages, etc, to know what it’s like to have all those things – and less of the characterless, policyless yahboo.

Simon Tranter, Yarm, near Stockton.