COLUMNIST Peter Mullen can never resist an opportunity to air his prejudices. Describing last week’s G20 summit in London (Echo, April 3), he is unable to stop himself commenting on Bob Geldof’s efforts to help the Third World’s poor.

He cynically describes it as “poor people in the rich countries giving money to rich people in poor countries”. What is certain is that rich people in rich countries, such as Mr Mullen’s City friends, will not be giving – since they are too busy avoiding taxes, using offshore tax havens and generally avoiding paying their dues, and probably attending Mr Mullen’s church without embarrassment.

As far as I can recall, he has never criticised the banking executives who – through their recklessness and greed for huge salaries and bonuses – are the prime reason the country is in its present financial position.

Eric Gendle, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough.