RECENT events give just reason for changes as to how financial institutions are run and how MPs’ expenses are paid. But whether it’s an MP’s expenses, a banker’s pension, a stockbroker’s bonus or children causing trouble, what causes them to do so is free will – none are forced.

Changing the way in which financial institutions are run and how MPs are paid must take place – but with it the culture of action without consequence must also end. This means bringing discipline back into the classroom, prisons becoming a real deterrent and celebrities acting more responsibly, etc.

Those with power and influence must always act responsibly and resign whenever they act in a manner which is immoral, irresponsible or against the public interest.

We must return to the mindset of having responsibilities towards each other, of realising that we are solely responsible for the life we each lead, for the actions we take and their consequences. The mindset of actions without responsibility or consequences, which permeates throughout society, is destroying communities and the country – and it must stop.

CT Riley, Spennymoor, Co Durham.